
We are now entering into the stage of cybernetical era after passing through two previous eras, namely agricultural and industrial eras. The influences of cybernetical techniques have been becoming so profound that sciences and techniques, productions, industries, economics, societies, politics and educations are all, more or less, being sub ject to crucial transcient states of revolutions. Human beings have now reached to the stage when they can and have to study large systems in various scientific, technological and social fields, because of the forthcoming of cybernetical era. Now it is the fundamental aspect of our recognition for cybernetical era that information, as well as matter and energy, is becoming one of the fundamental notions in describing our objective world. System can be recognised as a scheme of black box in which inputs are given and are transformed into outputs. These inputs and outputs are always matter and energy carrying information in some sense. In what follows we shall refer to the information aspects of system in order to concentrate to the topics with which we are particularly concerned. This does imply by no means that matter-energy aspects could be neglected in system approach. So far as system approach contains block box component in its formulation, it can not but concern ifself with control problem. In comparison with classical science theory in which description of the ob ject matter should be given before any prediction can be performed and in which control of the object matter should be based upon prediction, it is crucial to note that this classical procedure can be neither necessary nor sufficient for our general system approach. There are three crucial aspects of our approach to general system. In the first place we shall not adhere to descriptive theory, but control aspect will be our primary concern. Secondly we can not confine ourselves to deterministic model but we shold appeal also to probabilistic model. These two aspects may lead us to cybernetical formulation in the sense of Wiener [23]. However these two aspects are not sufficient enough for discussing any system and any large system

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