
Urgency of the research. The institutional basis that creates the asymmetry of transport markets is due to the disadvantages of the relevant legislative provision, which reorientation of traffic flows in the other direction. Target setting is the analysis of the current legislation for the purpose of assessing the regulatory impact on transport services markets and identifying the conditions that constitute those or other obstacles. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. Back in the 1980s and 1990s, the theory of asymmetry. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Asymmetry is conditioned by external and internal factors: institutional barriers and lack of institutional support. The research objective. Investigation of the institutional basis's influence on the level of asymmetry of the transport market and identification of the direction of its elimination The statement of basic materials. Considers the content of the institutional basis work that creates the asymmetry of transport markets, which mainly affect the creation of artificial barriers to the free-of-charge ironing of goods in inland waterways of Ukraine. So, analyzed the situation on the domestic transport services market in Ukraine in comparison with other countries of the world. As well as analyzing two major draft laws on inland water transport presented to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which will determine and regulate the further situation. Deficiencies and failure to take into account some of the pointsare identified. This will allow the creation of the same conditions for the transport of river transport for national and foreign carriers. What to reduce the level of asymmetry in the domestic transport market of Ukraine. Conclusions. Elimination of the asymmetry of the domestic transport market of Ukraine should be linked to such basic requirements for the development of appropriate institutional arrangements that should be in line with the existing system of international agreements and regulations, as well as create a level playing field for all participants in the water transport market, regardless of ownership.

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