
Common name: Mahie azad (Farsi), Caspian salmon (E). Conservation status: Critically endangered in the southern part of the Caspian Sea according to IUCN criteria (Kiabi et al. 1999; Coad 2000). Identification: Dark grey on the back fading gradually to light silver on the sides and abdomen; dark cross-like or irregular spots on the back and sides; dorsal, anal and caudal fins spotted; snout pointed; teeth on the vomer shaft; lateral line scales 119–132; pyloric caeca 47–57; vertebrae 57–60; gill rakers on first gill arch 16–22; D III 10–11, A II–III 8–9, P I 7–8. May reach 118 cm TL but size has declined to 70–96 cm and weight to 8–9 kg recently (Derzhavin 1929; Behnke 1965; Farid Pak 1968; Illustration by Rybie Oko Distribution: Endemic in the Caspian Sea and enters many of the tributaries of the Iranian basin. Abundance: Its abundance has declined drastically (Kiabi et al. 1999). Habitat and ecology: Inhabits the Caspian Sea and migrates up rivers to spawn. Preferred temperature range is 12–17°C. This is a euryhaline anadromous fish. Reproduction: Spawning in October-November (autumn spawners) and March–May (spring spawners) in Iran, on a wide variety of substrates, from sand to gravel. Threats: Principal threats are those related to habitat and hydrological changes, loss of environmental quality and poaching. Conservation actions: Shilat (the Iranian Fisheries Company) has considered captive breeding and biological conservation programs to produce, protect and restock populations (Sarvi et al. 2006). Conservation recommendations: Industrial and agricultural pollution should be reduced. Waters where populations are released should be designated Protected Rivers to effectively protect this species. Cage culture of this species should be enhanced. In captive propagation spawners from different populations should be used to enhance genetic diversity of restocked populations. Also, Gamete storage protocols can be applied to commercial aquaculture or to biological conservation programs.

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