
Common name: Rock Carp. Local name: Yanli, Yanyuanba, Daili, Heili, Moli, (all in Chinese). Conservation status: Vulnerable (China red data book) (Yue and Chen 1998). Not evaluated yet on IUCN redlist. Identification: D. vi/19–21, A. iii/5–6, P. i/16, V. ii/8. Lateral scales 43–46. Body elongate, laterally compressed. Snout length smaller than postorbital length. Outer edge of dorsal fin truncated. Barbels 2 pairs (Chen 1998). Distribution: Endemic to the upper reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River System (Chen 1998). Abundance: Population declined greatly since the 1970s (Probst et al. 2006). Close to extinction according to Cai et al. (2003). Habitat and ecology: Inhabits slow-flowing, deep-water streams and rivers with rocky substrata. Feeds on aquatic insect larvae, aquatic mollusks, small fishes and shrimp. Reproduction: Matures in 4 years; spawning occurs mainly between February and April, and also in autumn; 25,000 to 150,000 eggs per female; eggs adhesive (Cai et al. 2003; Probst et al. 2006). Threats: Overexploitation. Dams (e.g. Three Gorges Dam) have changed habitat. Wild larvae are harvested for aquaculture. Hybrids between P. rabaudi and other carps may escape or be released into the wild. Water pollution. Illegal fishing using electric shocking devices, explosives or poison. Conservation actions: Conservation reserves were established. Artificial propagation and rearing of larvae was successful at small scales (Probst et al. 2006). Some artificially propagated larvae have been released into the wild. An annual fishing ban (April to June) is in effect in the whole Changjiang River System since 2002. Conservation recommendations: Manage fishing activities strictly. Improve, standardize and promote the techniques for large-scale artificial propagation and larval rearing. Using pure lineages from different populations in captive propagation and releasing programs. Actions should be taken to improve water quality. Annual fishing ban should continue and the time should be extended. Environ Biol Fish (2009) 84:275–276 DOI 10.1007/s10641-008-9417-8

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