
Common name: Sarikuyruk (Tr), Beysehir nase (En) (Artuz 2005). Conservation status: Endangered EN (Crivelli 2006). Identification: D IV 9, A III–IV (9) 10 (11), Lateral line scales 65–71, gillrakers 34–40, total vertebrae 45–46, modal pharyngeal teeth formula 7–7. Body elongate and laterally compressed. The snout is elongate, narrow and rounded at the tip. The mouth cleft is almost straight, the lower jaw bears a prominent, sharp corneous layer. Specimens are light brown dorsally, turning gradually creamy white ventrally (Bogutskaya 1997). Distribution: C. beysehirense is endemic to Turkey with a highly restricted distribution, only known from Beysehir Lake (and a few streams connected to this freshwater lake) in Central Anatoliae (Bogutskaya 1997). Abundance: C. beysehirense is rare in the Beysehir Lake area (Kuru et al. 2001), also observed in Beysehir Lake, Altinapa dam lake, Apa dam lake, Derbent pond, Sarisu Stream and Carsamba Stream (Yegen et al. 2006). Habitat and ecology: Prefers shallow areas with coarse substrates (i.e. gravel, pebbles, stones) in rivers and lakes (Geldiay and Balik 2007). Reproduction: Unknown. Threats: Habitat loss, eutrophication, pollution, construction, weirs and dams in rivers, water extraction, aquaculture, exotic species introductions (Fricke et al. 2007). Conservation action: Beysehir Lake area is a national park. Further survey work is required to assess the current population size. Conservation recommendations: The remaining populations should be fully protected. Detailed information on biology and ecology of this species in the lake is required. Water management should be improved, and priority should be given to regulate the water regime of the lake, especially in dry seasons. Remarks: This species has no commercial value and is not suitable for fisheries. Environ Biol Fish (2009) 86:483–484 DOI 10.1007/s10641-009-9557-5

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