
Anation without ability is hard to stand in the forest of the world's advanced nations. As a developing agricultural country, the reform of the agricultural technology is essential, and agricultural colleges and universities of college students is the future society of agricultural science and technology with the main person and creator of, how to explore the students in agricultural colleges and scientific and technological innovation, and cultivating innovative talents has become the problem of solving the deepening educational reform and developing the activities of scientific and technological and other aspects to explore, to explore the specific ideas on agricultural college students scientific and technological innovation. KeywordsAgricultural Colleges; College Students; Scientific and Technological Innovation; Analysis; Countermeasures The party's 18 report: The full implementation of quality education, deepen the comprehensive reform of the field of education, efforts to improve the quality of education, cultivating students' innovative spirit. China is a large agricultural country in building a moderately prosperous society in the process, solve the three rural issue is the key, and agricultural college students are the future of the main application of social science and technology, agriculture and creators. This scientific and technological of college students in agricultural universities put forward new demands. Therefore, how to explore new ideas and agricultural college students of science and technology becomes the key problems to be solved. I. THE ANALYSIS OF THE MAIN PROBLEMS AND REASONS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE STUDENTS WORK IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION. A. The Traditional Teaching Model Hampers the Development of Innovative Thinking of Students. Under examination-oriented education system, dimension scores on the measure leads to a single student classroom teaching, with the development of society, the community has become increasingly popular with the innovative quality of the people. Currently, most colleges and universities use the evaluation system is still based on test scores based, innovative education development is still not perfect, teaching methods used mostly Church I teaching, too much emphasis on exam scores. For the students hands-on ability to improve the practice would not achieve a positive effect. Innovative Quality Higher Education Reform is urgent. B. Not Enough Emphasis on Innovative Education. Party eighteen full report, innovation has been mentioned 55 times, showing for the development of the nation, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has an extremely important role. However, in today's college educational system, to carry out innovative education is still relatively backward. Colleges and universities are important channels for social output of talent. Qian of the question is reflection, if universities this source have ignored the importance of and education, then the creative community as a whole will be left behind. C. Backward Educational Content, Training System is

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