
主流意识形态与中国哲学社会科学创新体系具有紧密的联系, 创新主流意识形态 研究方式, 既是当代中国一个重要的理论与现实命题, 亦是中国哲学社会科学创新体 系的前提。创新中国主流意识形态研究方式, 有三个重要的维度: 一是从文明格局的 高度创新主流意识形态研究方式, 把握主流意识形态的历史连续性与文化特性, 反对 历史虚无主义和历史复古主义; 二是以包容并蓄的方式拓展、丰富主流意识形态研究 的视角与内容, 在研究创新中优化主导地位, 克服居高临下的意识形态傲慢和无力失 语的意识形态虚弱症状; 三是秉承开放学习的心态对国外主流意识形态进行比较研 究, 在借鉴交流中维护我国的主流意识形态安全, 克服封闭自语和盲目崇外的意识形 态研究套路, 创造无愧于时代的意识形态新文化。 关键词: 主流意识形态 哲学社会科学创新 意识形态安全 Mainstream ideology is closely related with the innovation system of Chinese philosophy and social sciences. Innovation in mainstream ideology research is of theoretical and practical significance to contemporary China, and constitutes a precondition for the establishment of an innovation system of Chinese philosophy and social sciences. Innovation in mainstream ideology research involves three important aspects. First, we should innovate mainstream ideology research in terms of the pattern of civilizations, that is, to grasp the historical continuity and cultural identity of mainstream ideology and oppose historical nihilism and revivalism. Second, we should adopt an inclusive approach to mainstream ideology research to bring in different perspectives and enrich the content of research, and to optimize its guiding role and overcome both ideological arrogance and ideological aphasia. And third, we must be open-minded in carrying out a comparative analysis of mainstream ideologies of other countries. In exchanges with and learning from other countries, we should protect the safety of mainstream Chinese ideology and avoid both self-contained isolationism and a blind worship of foreign things. In this way, we can develop a new ideological culture that is worthy of our times.

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