
Today, we are moving forward at the beginning of a fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4.0). IR 4.0 had given a new momentum to the educational transformation of future generation. This revolution will make our lives move faster and easier in the coming years. Thought leaders are those who give opinions to their followers in their field of expertise. They influence people in education industry by creative and innovative ideas which turn into reality of the future world. Thought leaders know how to be successful and productive in their field. They build a dedicated group of people to help them achieving the goals powered by artificial intelligence, 3D simulators, virtual world and remote experiments. It will be very different and unique from the environment of today. Thought leaders will give a big impact to the education sector and future perspectives for teaching and learning for early childhood education until universities. Students will enter new competencies, new structures, new learning styles and new mental models. These new technology changes in IR 4.0 will eliminate several of the existing jobs and create new job opportunities. Our regular activities and jobs will be taken by robots and machines. In this case, it is essential to create appropriate education system by thought leaders in the future workforce. The world is changing but what thought leaders need to do is to implement changes that are needed to fit our young people towards the fourth industrial age.


  • Thought Leadership and Traditional Leadership The distinction between thought leadership and traditional leadership is that anybody can become a leader without being a thought leader

  • Industrial Revolution 4.0 has given a new momentum to educational transformation

  • It is believed that in the upcoming years, thought leaders in the education industry will find new solutions for future generation to thrive in this transformation world

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Thought Leadership and Traditional Leadership The distinction between thought leadership and traditional leadership is that anybody can become a leader without being a thought leader. To be successful in the future, students will need to have the right digital education in the schools and universities. Digital education only can be succeeded if thought leadership is nurtured among well qualified teachers or lecturers to achieve necessary goals. Thought leaders in the education industry play important roles in putting the efforts to be practical and providing digital learning classroom.

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