
The extensive studies on the physiologic and clinical behavior of purified pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) have made it necessary to develop laboratory procedures which may enable the clinician and investigator to make a safe interpretation of the response of the adrenal cortex to the exogenous pituitary factor. Thorn and his associates 1 used as a criterion of adrenocortical function, the fall of circulating eosinophils and lymphocytes and the increase in urinary excretion of uric acid expressed as a change in uric acid-creatinine ratio. These changes occur when an intact adrenal cortex is stimulated by the injection of 25 mg. of purified ACTH. In subsequent studies the same group of investigators 2 has eliminated the determinations of uric acid and creatinine from their procedures. Obviously other factors, like impaired renal functions, may introduce a source of error in such tests. Even though there is conclusive evidence to show that the number

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