
Since 1960th of last century, thorium minerals investigated in geological research and prospecting projects, although, these thorium resource investigation projects have not been an attempt.Based on previous studies, and coherence to new results, the project has identified 09 types of thorium ore complexes distributed in 03 mineralized regions with different prospects; in those, 3 types: thorianite - uraninite in pegmatite; basnhezite - thorite - uranpirochloro and rare earth - thorium - uranium in the deluvial - proluvial formation are the most prospected.Studie results have established a large potential areas (grade A), 06 potential areas (grade B), and 02 areas that lack potential (grade C); and assessed for thorium resources in rare earth ores in Nam Xe mine (Lai Chau) and Muong Hum area (Lao Cai). It is necessary to promote the investigation and assessment of thorium as well as research on policies on this mineral; indeed, focuses on the large potential area (grade A) and potential areas (grade B), liaise in-depth research on thorium mineralization on 03 established mineralization regions.

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