
The Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery has conducted annual surveys of thoracic surgery throughout Japan since 1987 to determine the statistics regarding the number of procedures according to operative category. Here, we have summarized the results from our annual survey of thoracic surgery performed during 2012. The incidence of hospital mortality was added to the survey to determine the nationwide status, which has contributed to the Japanese surgeons to understand the present status of thoracic surgery in Japan and to make progress to improve operative results by comparing their work with those of others. The Association was able to gain a better understanding of the present problems as well as future prospects, which has been reflected to its activity including education of its members. Thirty-day mortality (so-called ‘‘operative mortality) is defined as death within 30 days of operation regardless of the patient’s geographic location and even though the patient had been discharged from the hospital. Hospital mortality is defined as death within any time interval after an operation if the patient had not been discharged from the hospital. Hospital-to-hospital transfer is not considered discharge: transfer to a nursing home or a rehabilitation unit is considered hospital discharge unless the patient subsequently dies of complications of the operation. The definitions of the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee for Standardizing Definitions of Prosthetic Heart Valve Morbidity of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons and Annual report by The Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery: Committee for Scientific Affair


  • CPB cardiopulmonary bypass, PDA patient ductus arteriosus, VSD ventricular septal defect, DORV double outlet right ventricle, AVSD atrioventricular septal defect, TGA transposition of great arteries, SV single ventricle, Interupt. of Ao., interrupted aortic arch, PS pulmonary stenosis, PA-IVS pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum, TAPVR total anomalous pulmonary venous return, PAPVR partial anomalous pulmonary venous return, ASD atrial septal defect, TOF tetralogy of Fallot, DCRV double-chambered right ventricle, TA tricuspid atresia, HLHS hypoplastic left heart syndrome, RV-PA right ventricle–pulmonary artery

  • We sent out survey questionnaire forms to the departments of each category in all 1,986 institutions (601 cardiovascular, 802 general thoracic and 582 esophageal) nationwide in early April 2013

  • The response rates in each category by the end of December 2013 were 97.0, 96.8, and 95.2 %, respectively. This high response rate has been keep throughout recent survey, and more than 95 % response rate in all fields in 2012 survey has to be congratulated

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Rastelli procedure

SP systemic pulmonary, PAB pulmonary artery banding, PA pulmonary artery, RVOT right ventricular outflow tract, CA coronary artery, AV fustula arteriovenous fistula, TCPC total cavopulmonary connection, AV valve atrioventricular valve, VSD ventricular septal defect, AVR aortic valve replacement. Number of redo cases is included in total case number of 18,713 Values in parenthesis represent mortality % CABG coronary artery bypass grafting, A aortic valve, M mitral valve, T tricuspid valve, P pulmonary valve. Values in parenthesis represent mortality % CABG coronary artery bypass grafting (B) Operation for complications of MI (total; 1,274) Chronic Cases 30-day mortality Hospital After discharge. Values in parenthesis represent mortality % Acute, within 2 weeks from the onset of myocardial infarction MI myocardial infarction, CABG coronary artery bypass grafting, MVP mitral valve repair, MVR mitral valve replacement, VSP ventricular septal perforation (C) TMLR (total; 16). Values in parenthesis represent mortality % HOCM hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, DCM dilated cardiomyopathy, AVR aortic valve replacement, MVR mitral valve replacement, MVP mitral valve repair, CABG coronary artery bypass grafting.

Operation for non-neoplasmic disease
12. Tracheobronchoplasty Trachea
15. Operation of lung cancer invading the chest wall of the apex
12. Others
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