
The cover image is a schematic drawing of a retinal implant system for the blind. This is a described in an article by Velikay-Parel from Austria and Germany in the electronic part of this Issue of ACTA. Andrew and associates in Australia review inflammatory diseases in the orbit and their pathophysiology. Bjerrum et al. in Copenhagen found significantly higher risk of postoperative endophthalmitis after cataract surgery at a few private hospitals and clinics in Denmark compared with public hospitals. Hietala et al. in Helsinki and Australia found that individuals with higher age of onset of type 1 diabetes are more likely to develop macular oedema. Bertelsen et al. in Norway and UK found that microalbuminuria may be a useful risk predictor for diabetic retinopathy. van Dijk et al. in the Netherlands and USA found considerable variability in photocoagulation treatment plans influenced among other things by the assessment with slit lamp biomicroscopy versus OCT. Kofoed et al. in Copenhagen found abnormal cone function to correlate with carotid artery stenosis and reduced perfusion pressure. Vandewalle et al. Belgium and Iceland found that topical phenylephrine and tropicamide did not influence retinal oxygen saturation measurements or retinal vessel diameter. Ernest et al. in the Netherlands found a considerable prevalence of visual impairment in patients with glaucoma at the end of their life but the visual impairment was in many cases caused by other eye diseases. Ilmarinen et al. in Finland cultivated oral mucosal epithelium and treated severe ocular surface injuries with limbal stem cell deficiency. Konradsen and Zetterström in Stockholm found that flat cornea in Marfan syndrome reduces the myopic consequence of long axial length. Hirayama et al. in Japan describe symptomatic relief of ocular dryness and improved tear stability with moist cool air devices in offices. Pathak et al. in Oslo contribute a case series of patients who receive transplantation of ex vivo-expanded limbal epithelial cells with good results. González-López et al. in Spain found that only one temporal artery biopsy in four is positive in patients suspected of giant cell arteritis and suggest ways of improving this ratio. Næser et al. in Denmark present a case series of patients with Wegener's granulomatosis who underwent dacryocystorhinostomy. Peter Kristian Rasmussen presents his thesis on diffuse large B-cell and mantle cell lymphoma of the ocular adnexal region and lymphoma of the lachrymal gland. The following articles are published electronically only and are accessible on www.actaophthalmologica.com Lamoureux et al. in Australia and Singapore found good reliability and reproducibility with retinal oxygen saturation measurements. Velikay-Parel et al. in Austria and Germany tested an investigational epiretinal implant in a patient with retinitis pigmentosa. The device was found to be safe and stable. Koinzer et al. in Germany describe differences between OCT images and histology of photocoagulation lesions in retina. Hoffmann et al. in Germany, Italy and Portugal use Heidelberg retina tomography to study optic disc changes in people with ocular hypertension. They found strong associations between various structural optic nerve parameters. Saenz-Frances et al. in Spain find that peripheral corneal thickness may be important in intraocular pressure measurements and glaucoma in addition to central corneal thickness. Garcia-Martin et al. in Spain documented retinal nerve fibre layer loss in patients with multiple sclerosis, using OCT technology. Januschowski et al. in Germany used a microsensor to measure the wearing time of glasses and ocular patches in patients with amblyopia. Lara et al. in Italy examined gene mutations and immunoreactivity in conjunctiva melanomas. Montero et al. in Spain examined intravitreal drug dispersion with different size needles. Maschi-Cayla et al. in France used proton beam to treat conjunctival melanomas. Lesiewska-Junk et al. in Poland looked for oxidative stress markers on erythrocytes in patients with pseudoexfoliation. Tassignon et al. in Belgium used Scheimpflug camera to examine location of phakic intraocular lenses. Jakob and Van Calster in Belgium associate skin tattoos with uveitis. Brunner and Binder in Austria surgically excised retinal embolae. Purtskhvanidze et al. in Germany report open globe injuries from rotating wire brushes. Zhou et al. in China and Germany describe a series of bilateral retinal detachments. I wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and hope that you enjoy reading ACTA during the holidays.

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