
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Department of Library Science of the International Academy of Informatisation, the article presents an overview of its activities, its place in the academic environment, and its reflection in the professional press. The statutory tasks, main directions of work, principles of membership, participation in conferences of national and international level in 2022 are given. Information is presented about the publication activity of the Branch members, their assistance in the preparation of draft professional and educational standards, in the work of the expert commission for the analysis of educational programmes of professional development and professional training, in the studies “Monitoring of the staff composition of public libraries under the jurisdiction of regional/municipal cultural authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation”, “Workshop of the staff partnership: library aspect”, etc. Various theoretical, applied and methodological issues requiring scientific understanding and practical solutions are constantly in the field of vision of the Division’s specialists. The author emphasizes the significant role of the Branch members in organizing and conducting national industry competitions. The anniversary year of 2023 marked a new stage of the Branch’s activities and prospects, taking into account the realities and global challenges.

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