
Subependymomas are uncommon, benign slow-growing neoplasms of the central nervous system preferentially arising within the fourth and lateral ventricles. Third ventricle involvement has been described rarely. The aim of this study is to provide the first systematic review of third ventricular subependymomas (TVSE) by analyzing all reported cases over 2 decades and describing a case example. MEDLINE and Embase databases were searched for the 20 years ending January 1, 2022, using relevant MeSH and non-MeSH terms, including "subependymoma" and "third ventricle." Methodology followed PRISMA guidelines. Of 804 identified studies, 131 met inclusion eligibility. The literature yielded 17 patients with TVSE plus our example (18 total). Of these patients, 83% (15/18) presented in adulthood (average age, 42 ± 19 years), of whom 73% were women. The pediatric cohort age was 5 ± 1 years, 67% (4/6) of whom were girls. The most common presenting symptom in both cohorts was headache (80%), followed by memory disturbances and vomitus. In adults, symptomatic tumors were approached by open craniotomy in all but 1 case, most using a transcallosal approach. Gross total resection was obtained in 73%. A ventriculoperitoneal shunt was inserted in 2/15 adult and 4/6 pediatric patients. Overall, both cohorts showed symptomatic improvement without disease recurrence. One patient died perioperatively. Subependymomas should be considered in the differential diagnosis of third ventricular tumors. The clinical presentation of TVSE mainly parallels hydrocephalus symptoms and, hence, awareness is of vital importance for timely treatment. The surgical goal should be gross total resection, which can be curative and offers greatest clinical improvement across the population.

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