
Away from the well-trodden paths of clinical medicine and remote even from the established fields of investigation, such as cardiac disease, arteriosclerosis, cancer, or infectious diseases, labors a force of workers silently intent upon a single goal. Though few of them will mention it, still their ultimate goal is apparent to all—the successful transplantation of tissue from man to man. What a pity that man must wear out in a single place, be it heart, lung, liver, or kidney, while the rest of him remains whole and useful. The dreams of spare parts transplantation have been legion, yet the obstacles have been seemingly insurmountable. I pondered these thoughts as I read the Third Tissue Homotransplantation Conference articles, admiring the ingenuity of some and industry of others who contributed, each in his small way, to a greater understanding of the mysteries of tissue transplantation. The parade is endless, varied, ingenuous or

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