
The market is a place for socio-economic activities in the regional economic growth. The existence of the main market began to be disrupted since the September 30th, 2009 earthquake, resulting in damage to the buildings of Pasar Raya Padang. Rapid handling was made by the Padang City Government through the construction of emergency stalls in the form of stalls along Jalan Sandang Pangan. The construction of emergency kiosks was opposed by some traders because of declining income and lack of visitors. This condition triggered a prolonged conflict for five years (2009-2014). The length of this conflict process makes it important to be explored further with regard to the involvement of third parties in resolving the post-2009 earthquake market conflict. This study uses a qualitative approach with the type of descriptive research. Informants in this study were determined by intentional (purposive). Informants who contributed to this finding were 14 people with 5 women and 9 men. This research shows that the third party is the Regional Representative Council of the City of Padang and the National Commission on Human Rights (KOMNASHAM) of the Republic of Indonesia. The third party involvement carried out by the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) was hearing to the traders of Pasar Raya Padang and involving their representatives at hearings, working meetings of DPRD which discussed issues related to commission II. The next role is the role as the guardian of the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction process and striving for the realization of the budgeting in the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) in accordance with the needs of traders. Whereas the KOMNASHAM has a position and commitment not in line with the conflicting parties, but its role as a human rights guard positions it structurally as a neutral mediator.

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