
Session I. Neuro-ophthalmology.- Funduscopic correlates of visual field defects due to lesions of the anterior visual pathway.- Correlations between atrophy of maculopapillar bundles and visual functions in cases of optic neuropathies.- Visual field defects due to tumors of the sellar region.- Visual fields before and after transnasal removal of a pituitary tumor.- Visual field defects in anterior ischemic optic neuropathy.- Comparison of visual field defects in glaucoma and in acute anterior ischemic optic neuropathy.- Visual field defects due to hypoplasia of the optic nerve.- Visual field defects in congenital hydrocephalus.- Central critical fusion frequency in neuro-ophthalmological practice.- Discussion of the session on Neuro-ophthalmology.- Summary of session I: Neuro-ophthalmology.- Session II. Glaucoma.- Early glaucomatous visual field defects and their significance to clinical ophthalmology.- The early visual field defects in glaucoma and the significance of nasal steps.- A critical phase in the development of glaucomatous visual field defects.- Analysis of patients with open-angle glaucoma using perimetric techniques reflecting receptive field-like properties.- Liminal and supraliminal stimuli in the perimetry of chronic simple glaucoma.- Acquired dyschromatopsias the earliest functional losses in glaucoma.- The relation between depression in the Bjerrum area and nasal step in early glaucoma (DBA & NS).- Reversibility of glaucomatous defects of the visual field.- Visual field defects in open-angle glaucoma: progression and regression.- The clinical significance of reversibility of glaucomatous visual field defects.- Recovery of visual function during elevation of the infraocular pressure.- The mode of development and progression of field defects in early glaucoma - A follow-up study.- Peripheral nasal field defects in glaucoma.- Reversibility of visual field defects in simple glaucoma.- Reversible cupping and reversible field defect in glaucoma.- The reversibility of visual field defects in the juvenile glaucoma cases.- Early stage progression in glaucomatous visual field changes.- The earliest visual field defect (IIa Stage) in glaucoma by kinetic perimetry.- Relationship between IOP level and visual field in open-angle glaucoma (Study for critical pressure in glaucoma).- The relationship between visual field changes and intra-ocular pressure.- Visual field change examined by pupillography in glaucoma.- The nasal step: An early glaucomatous defect?.- Discussion of the session on Glaucoma.- Summary of Session II: Glaucoma.- Session III. Automation.- Threshold fluctuations, interpolations and spatial resolution in perimetry.- Semi-automatic campimeter with graphic display.- Automatic computerized perimetry in neuro-ophthalmology.- Automated perimetry: Minicomputers or microprocessors?.- Discussion of the session on Automation.- Summary of session III: Automation.- Session IV. Methodology.- Fundus controlled perimetry.- Experimental fundus photo perimeter and its application.- A simple fundus perimetry with fundus camera.- The influence of spontaneous eye-rotation on the perimetric determination of small scotomas.- Analysis of angioscotoma testing with Friedmann visual field analyser and Tubinger perimeter.- Comparative examinations of visual function and fluorescein angiography in early stages of senile disCiform macular degeneration.- The relationship between fundus lesions and areas of functional change.- Visual field changes after photocoagulation in retinal branch vein occlusion.- Visual field changes in mesopic and scotopic conditions using Friedmann visual field analyser.- Relationship between perimetric eccentricity and retinal locus in a human eye.- A new interpretation of the relative central scotoma for blue stimuli under photopic conditions.- Discussion of the session on Methodology.- Summary of session IV: Methodology.- Session V. Free Papers.- The enlargement of the blind spot in binocular vision.- Evaluation of perimetric procedures a statistical approch.- Eye movements during peripheral field tests monitored by electrooculogram.- Trial of a color perimeter.- Videopupillographic perimetry perimetric findings with rabbit eyes.- Clinical experiences with a new multiple dot plate.- Electroencephalographic perimetry clinical applications of vertex potentials elicited by focal retinal stimulation.- Relation between central and peripheral visual field changes with kinetic perimetry.- Discussion on the free papers session.- Report of the IPS research group on standards.- Report on colour perimetry.- Closing speech.- List of contributors.

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