
Durmg 1956-37. 12,552 blrds of 69 specles were banded, and 1946 recoveries of 1048 indivduals of 38 specles were repo~ted. Since 1953, 31,123 bxds of 119 species ha\ e been banded, and 1662 (5.3 per cent.) have been recovered 2739 tunes (8.8 per cent.). The Scheme is used ln sex en economic studles and 12 others : e~ght specles are being mdwidually colou~-bandeda, nd SIX are group-marked. The results to date of the cooperative project 011 crested tern, Ste~nab ergzz L~chtenstem,a nd sllver gull, Larus nome-hollandme Stephens, are published separately. The full data for 71 recoTerles are giren. The first four recoxerles of -4us tralian gannets, Sula serrutcr Graj, from Tasman~aw ere off the Sem South Wales coast in thew fourth x~mter. The first tn o recoveries of southern skuas, Catharacta skua lonnbergz Mathews, from Macqualle Island were made on the east coast of Australla, during their second mmter. Two straw-necked ~bises, Thresktolnzs spmzcollzs (Jameson), banded as ~oungin the Xacquane Uarshes, T.S.W., =ere near Cape York, 1300 mdes north, 2 years later. Wood-ducks, Chenonettci jubata (Lathan?), mountain ducks, Casarca tadornozdee (Jardine and Selby), black ducks, Anus superczltosa Gmelln, and especially grey teal, Anas gzbberzfrons Muller, dlspersed wldely m all compass dxections from the Xu~rumb~dgeIer rlgat~onA rea, K.S.W., and Saracoorte, S.A. The Aust~allan raven, Cowus coronozdes V~gors and Horsfield, IS partly sedentarj, and the black backed rnagple, Gymnorhzna tzbzcen (Latham), entirely so.

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