
In the article the features of productive thinking as the most important characteristic of a person are studied. Thinking not only comprehends the surrounding reality, but also creates a new world and a new socio-cultural environment. The main purpose of the article is to analyze the basic characteristics of the thinking formation as well as to explore thinking as a way of creative development of natural and social reality in the educational process, taking into account modern philosophical techniques and pedagogical practices. The methodological basis of philosophical and educational research is the general scientific principles of cognition of socio-cultural phenomena, which are subordinated to the historical-philosophical, system-structural, constitutive and contamination methods of cognition. The research is based on the following tasks: to analyze the basic characteristics of the thinking formation in the educational process, to reveal the significance of the creative component in the process of learning of the natural and social reality. As a result of the research, based on the proposed methods, it is determined that the way to discover the essence of the world is realized through a way of thinking. It is shown that the process of forming thinking is most productively carried out by means of education and pedagogical practices. The role of education in social and cultural life is to pass on the knowledge, on the basis of which thinking is formed as the energy of influence on the change of the environment and man. Thinking is a skill that gives an opportunity to get knowledge. An important function of creative thinking is the ability to solve problems, resulting in opportunities for purposeful activities. This allows us to conclude that the modern world face an individual with extraordinary problems that have no analogues of the solution. Therefore, in the learning process, it is necessary to show how to think, but not just teach methods of activity. The effectiveness of the educational process depends on the level of creative thinking of the teacher. The teacher must transform every activity into a creative discovery. Such an approach in teaching forms a creative, artistic personality capable to overcome the difficulties of today's unstable world. To think is to create problems and solve them effectively


  • The teacher must transform every activity into a creative discovery

  • Such an approach in teaching forms a creative, artistic personality capable to overcome the difficulties of today's unstable world

  • Ефективність навчально-освітнього процесу залежить від рівня творчого мислення педагога, який повинен перетворювати кожне заняття в творче відкриття

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The teacher must transform every activity into a creative discovery. Such an approach in teaching forms a creative, artistic personality capable to overcome the difficulties of today's unstable world. Дослідженні мислення як способу творчого освоєння природної і соціальної реальності у навчально-освітньому процесі із врахуванням сучасних філософських методик і педагогічних практик. Роль освіти в соціальному і культурному житті полягає у передачі знання, на основі якого формується мислення як енергія впливу на зміну середовища і людини. Важливою функцією творчого мислення є здатність розв’язувати проблеми, в результаті чого з’являються можливості до цілеспрямованої діяльності.

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