
Safety is more important than Mount Tai, to ensure production safety is the bottom line requirement of enterprise management. Social practice shows that safety technology can not fully guarantee the safety of enterprises, and the guarantee of enterprise safety should be studied from the spiritual level, that is, let the "natural person" in enterprises become a "safe person". The work content of oil enterprises is more complex, and oil exploration, mining and processing have some uncontrollable factors, which further highlights the importance of safety awareness. Under the new social situation, the country is also becoming more and more concerned about enterprise security. Therefore, in the production of enterprises, we should objectively analyze the problems existing in the operation of enterprises, and pay attention to the construction of enterprise safety culture, so as to comprehensively improve the production level of enterprises. We need to establish the concept of safe development, promote the concept of putting life first and safety first, improve the responsibility system for work safety, and resolutely curb major and major safety accidents. Safety culture is an important part of the corporate culture, it is the concentrated embodiment of the enterprise safety values, and it is the sum of the material and spiritual factors of the enterprise safety. It is an important content of the construction of safety culture to strengthen the research of safety culture and consciously apply it to the practice of safety management. Grasp the way to improve the effectiveness of safety management, so that the safety guarantee measures and safety management mechanism effectively play, to achieve the production safety, the construction of a harmonious enterprise and other aspects have achieved good results.

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