
A new technique based on photolithographic processes of thin-film optical pass band coatings on a monolithic substrate has been applied to the filters of the Focal Plane Assembly (FPA) of the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) that will fly onboard of the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter to be launched in March 2016 by ESA. The FPA including is one of the spare components of the Simbio-Sys instrument of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) that will fly on ESA’s Bepi Colombo mission to Mercury. The detector, developed by Raytheon Vision Systems, is a 2kx2k hybrid Si-PIN array with a 10 μm pixel. The detector is housed within a block and has filters deposited directly on the entrance window. The window is a 1 mm thick monolithic plate of fused silica. The Filter Strip Assembly (FSA) is produced by Optics Balzers Jena GmbH and integrated on the focal plane by Leonardo-Finmeccanica SpA (under TAS-I responsibility). It is based on dielectric multilayer interference coatings, 4 colour bands selected with average in-band transmission greater than 95 percent within wavelength range (400-1100 nm), giving multispectral images on the same detector and thus allows CaSSIS to operate in push-frame mode. The Field of View (FOV) of each colour band on the detector is surrounded by a mask of low reflective chromium (LRC), which also provides with the straylight suppression required (an out-of-band transmission of less than 10-5/nm). The mask has been shown to deal effectively with cross-talk from multiple reflections between the detector surface and the filter. This paper shows the manufacturing and optical properties of the FSA filters and the FPA preliminary on-ground calibration results.

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