
The Analytical Electron Microscope (AEM), with which secondary X-ray emission from a thin (<150nm), electron-transparent material is measured, has rapidly become a versatile instrument for qualitative and quantitative elemental analyses of many materials, including minerals. With due regard for sources of error in experimental procedures, it is possible to obtain high spatial resolution (~20nm diameter) and precise elemental analyses (~3% to 5% relative) from many silicate minerals. In addition, by utilizing the orientational dependence of X-ray emission for certain multi-substituted crystal structures, site occupancies for individual elements within a unit cell can be determined though with lower spatial resolution. The relative ease with which many of these compositional data may be obtained depends in part on the nature of the sample, but, in general, is comparable to other solid state analytical techniques such as X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe analysis. However, the improvement in spatial resolution obtained with the AEM (up to two orders of magnitude in analysis diameter) significantly enhances interpretation of fine-grained assemblages in many terrestrial or extraterrestrial rocks.

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