
A joint analysis of magnetotelluric and Sp receiver function data, collected along a profile across the central Appalachians, highlights variations in regional lithospheric structure. While the interpretation of each data set by itself is non-unique, we identify three distinct features that are consistent with both the resistivity model and the receiver function image: 1) thin lithosphere beneath the Appalachian Mountains, 2) somewhat thicker lithosphere to the east of the mountains beneath the Coastal Plain, and 3) a lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary that deepens to the west of the mountains. In some regions, the correspondence between seismic velocity discontinuities and resistivity mark the base of the lithosphere, while in other locations we see seismic discontinuities that are contained within the lithosphere. At the western end of our profile a transition from highly resistive lithosphere to more conductive mantle represents the transition across the Grenville front. The thickness of lithosphere beneath the Grenville terrain is ∼140 km. Lithosphere at the eastern end of the profile has a thickness that is not well constrained by our coverage, but is at least 110 km thick. This lithosphere can be associated with a broader region of high resistivity material seen to extend further south. Directly beneath the Appalachian Mountains, lithospheric thickness is inferred to be as thin as ∼80 km, based on observations of elevated mantle conductivities and a westward-dipping seismic converter. Electrical conductivities in the uppermost asthenospheric mantle are sufficiently high (>0.1 S/m) to require the presence of a small volume of partial melt. The location of these elevated conductivities is close (offset ∼50 km to the west) to Eocene volcanic outcrops in and around Harrisonburg, VA. Our observations speak to mechanisms of intraplate volcanism where there is no divergent or convergent plate motion to trigger mantle upwelling or obvious fluid release, either of which can facilitate melting. Instead, we suggest that small scale mantle convection related either to pre-existing lithospheric thickness variations, or to lithospheric loss through delamination, coupled with relative plate motion with respect to the underlying asthenosphere, can trigger small amounts of melting. This melt migrates upslope, along the base of the lithosphere, potentially thermally eroding the lithosphere resulting in further thinning.

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