
Thin (~16 µm) base-layer monocrystalline silicon solarcells have been investigated with microcrystalline or epitaxial n-typeemitters grown at low temperatures ({<}550 °C) by electron cyclotronresonance (ECR) plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD). Thep-type, 1-2 Ωcm, base layers were epitaxially deposited byconventional thermal CVD onto monocrystalline Si p+ substrates. Anefficiency of 13.72% was achieved in the best epitaxial emitter cell afterECR hydrogen passivation and the application of a SiNx anti-reflectioncoating deposited by ECR PECVD. Cells with microcrystalline Si emittersprocessed in a similar fashion gave a maximum efficiency of 10.73%. The cellperformance was analysed using the two-diode model and the solar cellmodelling programme PC-1D. The results are presented. It was necessary toinvoke a three-layer PC-1D model to obtain self-consistent fits to the lightand dark I-V characteristics and spectral response data.

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