
Thiazole derivatives remains honored heterocycles in the field of medicinal chemistry. This scaffold has been proven as a universal motif that is present in numerous pharmacologically important drug molecules such as lurasidone, sulfathiazole, ritonavir, etc. It has been broadly recognized by the scientific community and reported to possess a wide spectrum of biological activities. To counter the increasing drug resistance among available drug candidates around the globe, thiazoles have been considered as a fascinating scaffold to generate new molecules with improved potency and lower toxicity along with the desired pharmacokinetic profile. This review aims to summarizes recent advancements in the medicinal chemistry of thiazole derivatives with the following objectives: (1) To represent inclusive data on thiazole based marketed drugs as well as therapeutic candidates undergoing preclinical and clinical developments; (2) To discuss various methods utilized in the synthesis of thiazole ring; (4) Summarization of the recent advances in the medicinal chemistry of thiazole derivatives with their numerous biological significances against wide range of diseases; (3) This article also summarizes structure-activity relationships (SAR) including synthetic strategies of potentially active molecules and their mechanistic studies. This review article is highly beneficial to the medicinal chemists and researchers working in the field of medicinal chemistry and can help in the design and development of novel thiazole based compounds with improved potency and desired therapeutic implications.

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