
Healthy teeth are essential for health, function, and the appearance of children. The importance of primary teeth is frequently underestimated by parents and carers as these teeth will be 'replaced'. However, with waiting lists for paediatric patient care increasing and clinicians in hospital teams battling with the backlog from the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for appropriate management in primary care is greater than ever and parents may be more motivated to focus on prevention and oral care if aware of this. There needs to be a change in the perception of the importance of the primary dentition, including parental education and dental treatment, where possible, in primary care prior to referral. Unfortunately, many parents are unaware of the impact of poor oral health until it is too late. Pain, difficulty eating and drinking, sleepless nights, missed school, loss of confidence, and abnormalities in the development and eruption of the permanent dentition are just a few of the possible consequences of a neglected primary dentition. This article explores the importance of the primary dentition, the critical need to change society's views on primary teeth, and the role of the wider team in helping to achieve this.

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