
Boron carbide, with a nominal stoichiometry of B4C, is a highly desired ceramic candidate for armor applications due to its high hardness derived from the complex crystal structure. However, stress-induced local amorphization can lead to failure and is a known challenge for this material which must be addressed for applications in ballistic environments. Understanding boron carbide's atomic structural behavior and bonding environment is critical in determining effective strategies to mitigate these issues. In this work, the thermo-structural behavior of B4C has been studied in detail using a conical nozzle levitator system coupled with in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction. Lattice expansion and the resulting thermal expansion coefficients (CTEs) were determined from 25-2100 °C. Rietveld refinements showed anisotropic atomic displacement for each of the 4 unique sites as a function of temperature. An exceptionally large z-axis displacement for the boron chain center is linked to bond weakness and may be linked to faα11ster expansion of the α33 relative to CTEs. Thermally induced lattice changes can inform the use of boron carbide at elevated temperatures as well as help develop strategies for mitigating structural failure for armor applications.

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