
This study presents the results of a study of the process of thermography and convective drying of the retention substance bentonite used in the production of nanocatalysts based on Zol-gel technology. The study of the drying process using the energy of the convex-EHFEF EMF (extremely high-frequency electromagnetic field) in the preparation of a nanocatalystsfrom the retaining substance of bentonite is illuminated by the derivatogram of bentonite from the Navbahor deposit determined by the thermographic method. The determination of the porous structure and the comparable surface surface of the catalysts was carried out in an automatic gas adsorption analyzer using the Brunauer, Emmet, and Wyres (bet) method.The size and pore size of the catalysts were determined from data on desorption and adsorption isotherms, respectively, at a relative pressure R/R0=0.99 in accordance with the BJH (Barette-Joyner-Halend) model. Based on the purpose of the work, the study of the drying process in the technology of obtaining a nan catalyst and the acceleration of its process and technology with its introduction into EHFEF (extremely high frequency electromagnetic field) EMC, was achieved to improve the quality of the porosity of catalysts. In particular, the analysis of the results obtained on the experimental scheme of the grooved-convex drying device, textural descriptions of bentonite of the Navbahor deposit, determined on the basis of standard techniques, porosity of the sample by the method of temperature nitrogen adsorption is presented.

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