
AbstractThermodynamic excess properties of cobalt‐chromium alloys in both the bcc solid and fcc solid phases have been investigated by Knudsen cell mass spectrometry in the temperature range 1580‐1790 K. The molar excess Gibbs energy, excess entropy and heat of mixing as well as the thermodynamic activities were determined from the ion intensities as a function of composition and temperature by fitting to a sub‐regular solution model and optimised to the phase equilibrium data (2 parameter T.A.P.‐series; Fcc phase: C in J/mol: CH1=‐10600, CH2=‐26500; C in J/(mol·K): Cs1=4.15, Cs2=‐26.0; Bcc phase: C in J/mol: CH1=19500, CH2 =‐29500; C in J/(mol·K): Cs1=19.4, Cs2=‐32.0). Solid Co‐Cr alloys at 1673 K are characterized in the fcc phase by negative molar excess Gibbs energy GE, prevailing negative molar excess entropies SE and exothermic molar heats of mixing HE, and in the bcc phase by negative and positive (at high Cr content) molar excess Gibbs energy GE, positive and slight negative (at higher Cr content) molar excess entropies SE and endothermic and slight exothermic (at higher Cr content) molar heats of mixing HE.At 1673 K the following minimum and maximum excess properties result: a) Fcc phase, minimum values: HE=‐6400 J/mol (62 at.‐% Cr), SE=‐2.95 J/mol·K (70 at.‐% Cr), and GE=‐2650 J/mol (34 at.‐% Cr); b) Bcc phase, maximum values: HE=2300 J/mol (26 at.‐% Cr), SE=2.15 J/mol·K (26 at.‐% Cr), and GE=1090 J/mol (80 at.‐% Cr); bcc phase, minimum values: HE=‐140 J/mol (84 at.‐% Cr), SE=‐1.0 J/mol·K (82 at.‐%Cr), and GE=‐1300 J/mol (22 at.‐% Cr). The phase diagram has been recalculated by using these data, and the results of mass spectrometric investigations on the liquid phase.

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