
We study the thermodynamics of the relativistic quantum O(N) model in two space dimensions. In the vicinity of the zero-temperature quantum critical point (QCP), the pressure can be written in the scaling form P(T)=P(0)+N(T(3)/c(2))F(N)(Δ/T), where c is the velocity of the excitations at the QCP and |Δ| a characteristic zero-temperature energy scale. Using both a large-N approach to leading order and the nonperturbative renormalization group, we compute the universal scaling function F(N). For small values of N (N</~10) we find that F(N)(x) is nonmonotonic in the quantum critical regime (|x|</~1) with a maximum near x=0. The large-N approach-if properly interpreted-is a good approximation both in the renormalized classical (x</~-1) and quantum disordered (x>/~1) regimes, but fails to describe the nonmonotonic behavior of F(N) in the quantum critical regime. We discuss the renormalization-group flows in the various regimes near the QCP and make the connection with the quantum nonlinear sigma model in the renormalized classical regime. We compute the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature in the quantum O(2) model and find that in the vicinity of the QCP the universal ratio T(BKT)/ρ(s)(0) is very close to π/2, implying that the stiffness ρ(s)(T(BKT)(-)) at the transition is only slightly reduced with respect to the zero-temperature stiffness ρ(s)(0). Finally, we briefly discuss the experimental determination of the universal function F(2) from the pressure of a Bose gas in an optical lattice near the superfluid-Mott-insulator transition.

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