
The LPG is cheaper and possesses an environmental free in nature with no ozone depletion potential (ODP). Also LPG is available as a side product in local refineries. This work investigates the result of an experimental study carried out to determine the performance of domestic refrigerator when a propane-butane mixture is liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) which is available and comprises 56.4% butane, 24.4% propane, and 17.2% isobutene. An experimental investigation of Performance is carried out by the effect of changing capillary tube length, capillary tube inner diameter and capillary coil diameter on the mass flow rate of refrigerant in an adiabatic helical capillary tube. Large amount of electricity supply is not available easily in large part of under development country like India. It will also prove to be an effective for remote area such as research sites, mines, & deserts where electricity is generally not available. The results of the present work indicate the successful use of this propane-butane mixture as an alternative refrigerant to CFCs and HFCs in domestic refrigerator. It would include Experimental setup of working model and detailed observation of the LPG refrigerator and represents its application in refinery, hotel, chemical industries where requirement of LPG is more.

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