
Density (ρ), viscosity (η), and ultrasonic speed (u) of 2-chlorotoluene with methanol and ethanol binary mixtures were measured at 298.15 to 318.15 K in the composition range 0⩽x1⩽1. Based on the experimental data, the excess molar volume (VmE), deviation in viscosity (Δη), and deviation in ultrasonic speed (Δu) values were calculated. The VmE values exhibited negative for binary mixtures but at higher concentrations of 2-chlorotoluene, these were changes sign and positive at all temperatures. The excess isentropic compressibility (κsE) values increase with the number of C-atoms of the alkanol. The order of κsE for 2-chlorotoluene + alkanol is similar to that observed in the case of VmE. Additionally, Δη and Δu values were positive throughout the complete range of composition. At 298.15 K, the η and u values were analyzed using various correlations. Among the correlation Nomoto’s correlation for ultrasonic exhibits a high predictive power compared to others. A binary mixture has been discussed in terms of its excess functions which provide insights into molecular interactions. The Δη and κsE were also interpreted in terms of the ab initio approach that yielded interaction parameters that not give the extent of unlike interactions and depolymerization of self-associated alkanol but also predict the Δη and κsE for these systems. Singh’s model for viscosity further authenticates the findings of the ab initio approach.

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