
An ideal gas of relativistic bosons trapped in a D-dimensional power-law potential is explored, where the possibility of particle–antiparticle pair production is taken into account. Expressions for several important parameters, such as the critical temperature of Bose–Einstein condensation (BEC), ground-state fraction and heat capacity, are analytically derived and used to discuss the relevant properties of the system. An important parameter χ is introduced to mark the extent of the relativistic effects on the characteristics of BEC. It is found that the correction of the critical temperature due to the relativistic effects is considerable for the system with a large parameter χ. It is more important to show that the pair production may lead to several novel characteristics for a relativistic Bose gas, such as the high temperature BEC, the rapid increase of the heat capacity at high temperatures and the disappearance of the anomaly of the heat capacity at the critical temperature in the ultrarelativistic limit.

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