
The thermodynamic properties of 4f- and 5f-shell metals have been studied at high temperatures using mean-field potential approach. The MFP seen by the lattice ion is constructed in terms of the total energy-volume relation using local pseudopotentials due to Pandya et al. [Physica B 307, 138 (2001)]. We have calculated static compression, shock-wave compression, volume thermal expansion, isothermal and adiabatic bulk moduli ( BTand BS), specific heats ( CVand CP), thermodynamic Grüneisen parameter (γth), anharmonic contribution to the specific heat and temperature along shock Hugoniot for 4f (γ- Ce )- and 5f (fcc-Th) -shell metals. The results are well compared with the other theoretical and experimental findings, which ensure the use of pseudopotentials for studying thermodynamic properties at higher temperatures in case of lanthanides and actinides.

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