
We employ the heat engine framework to derive a simple method for assessing the strength of irreversible processes in global climate models (GCMs). Using the explicit energy budget of an idealized GCM, we show that the thermodynamic efficiencies based on the net heating rate and frictional work rate provides a measure of physical and numerical irreversibilities present in either open (e.g., the Hadley circulation) or closed (e.g., the general circulation) circulations. In addition, we show that the Carnot efficiency is useful for assessing the maximum possible efficiency attained by closed circulations. Comparison of the work-based efficiency with that based on the net heating rate and the Carnot efficiency provides a gauge of how close to reversible and ideal the circulations are. A series of experiments with the idealized GCM demonstrate the usefulness of our method and show the sensitivity of an essentially reversible model to changes in physical and numerical parameters such as rotation period and resolution.

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