
This paper describes the idea of the development of a solar thermal energy driven pump for lifting of ground water for irrigation as well as for meeting urban supply system. The principles are equally applicable for lifting any liquid, the head being dependent on density of the liquid. This has the potential of saving over 93billion kWh of electrical energy and 3.3 billion litres of diesel (fossil fuel) per year, for India. The invention has been patented. The most attractive feature of the pump is the absence of any moving part, which makes it almost maintenance-free. Syphon action created by water vapour picked-up from the source, lifts the water from the reservoir through the delivery head. This is being demonstrated for the first time. The efficiency of the entire system is also high on account of no moving parts. Solar thermal energy is used to create a pressure higher than the atmospheric pressure, over the surface of liquid to be pumped to height H. The pressure lifts the liquid through a tube dipped below its surface and delivers to head H, determined by additional pressure created through thermal energy and the mass-density of the liquid.

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