
Chemical looping is investigated for the production of syngas via reforming or reverse water gas shift in a packed bed reactor using 500 g of Fe on Al2O3 was demonstrated. Oxidation, reduction of the OC and subsequent catalytic reactions of reforming or reverse water gas shift were examined in a temperature range of 600–900 °C and a pressure range of 1–3 bara at high flowrate. Different inlet gas compositions were explored for the considered gas–solid and catalytic reaction stages. Oxidation with air successfully heated the reactor. CH4 resulted ineffective at reducing the Fe-based oxygen carrier while H2 and CO-rich stream were able to achieve full reduction to FeO of the material. In terms of catalytic activity, the maximum conversion of CH4 achieved during the reforming was limited to 62.8 % at 900 °C and 1 bara.Thermally integrated chemical looping reverse water gas shift was studied as option for CCU in combination with green H2 to produce renewable fuels. A H2/CO value of 2 could be achieved by feeding H2/CO2 of 2. The pressure did not substantially affect the conversion and the bed did not present carbon deposition.The ability of a Fe-based packed bed chemical looping reactor to recover after the carbon deposition was also explored. It was found that using a mixture of CH4 and CO2 achieved 92% recovery of the original capacity.

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