
By using a LKB2277 BioActivity Monitor (heat conduction microcalorimeter), stopped-flow method, the thermogenetic curves of Rhizopus nigricans growth at 25 °C inhibited by four kinds of heavy metal ions are determined, parameters such as growth rate constants k, inhibitory ratio I, half inhibitory concentration IC 50 et al. are obtained. 'Me experimental rcsults show that heavy metal ions can inhibit Rhizopus nigricans growth obviously, low concentration of Cu 2+ has promoting action. The inhibitory sequence is Cd 2+ > Hg 2+ > Pb 2+ > Cu 2+, half inhibitory concentration of them are Cd 2+ 0.8 μ g.ml −1, Hg 2+ 1.7 μ g.ml −1, Pb 2+ 48.0 μ g.ml −1, Cu 2+ 110 μ g.ml −1. This microclorimetric bioassay for acute cellular toxicity is based on metabolic heat evolution from cultured cells. The assay is quantitative, inexpensive, and versatile; moreover, toxicological information can be obtained with cell from other species of interest.

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