
In a fluid mixture in a channel with an axial time-averaged temperature gradient, high-amplitude oscillating flow can greatly increase the axial flux of thermal diffusion (Soret) separation of the components of the mixture. The enhancement occurs when the oscillating lateral temperature gradient greatly exceeds the axial gradient, causing a large oscillating concentration that can be favorably time-phased with the oscillating flow. This process can occur even with a negligible pressure oscillation or with a negligible temperature response to pressure, as is the case in most liquid solutions. The thermal boundary condition imposed by realistic solids on thermoacoustic liquids is imperfect, adding mathematical complications that are absent for typical gases, for which the solid surface is temporally isothermal. Compared with gas mixtures, the high Lewis number in typical liquid solutions reduces the separation flux associated with the time-averaged temperature gradient, but it also reduces the remixing associated with the time-averaged mole-fraction gradient. For large enough channels, the second-law separation efficiency is only slightly reduced from that of steady liquid Soret separation.

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