
The prompt gamma-ray data of thermal- neutron captures fornuclear mass number A=26-35 had been evaluated and published in "ATOMICDATA AND NUCLEAR DATA TABLES, 26, 511 (1981)". Since that time the manyexperimental data of the thermal-neutron captures have been measured andpublished. The update of the evaluated prompt gamma-ray data is verynecessary for use in PGAA of high-resolution analytical prompt gamma-rayspectroscopy. Besides, the evaluation is also very needed in theEvaluated Nuclear Structure Data File, ENSDF, because there are no promptgamma-ray data in ENSDF. The levels, prompt gamma-rays and decay schemesof thermal-neutron captures fornuclides (26Mg, 27Al, 28Si, 29Si, 30Si,31P, 32S, 33S, 34S, and 35Cl) with nuclear mass number A=26-35 have beenevaluated on the basis of all experimental data. The normalizationfactors, from which absolute prompt gamma-ray intensity can be obtained,and necessary comments are given in the text. The ENSDF format has beenadopted in this evaluation. The physical check (intensity balance andenergy balance) of evaluated thermal-neutron capture data has been done.The evaluated data have been put into Evaluated Nuclear Structure DataFile, ENSDF. This evaluation may be considered as an update of the promptgamma-ray from thermal-neutron capture data tables as published in"ATOMIC DATA AND NUCLEAR DATA TABLES, 26, 511 (1981)".

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