
The influence of the concentration of thermally and organomodified montmorillonite on the processes of structure formation in a blend of polypropylene/polystyrene (PP/PS) was studied. It is established that in nanofilled compositions, as well as in the original, is formed a microfibrillar structure, the dimensional characteristics of which depend on the content of the additive and the method of its modification. The investigated clays by content (0.2–2.0) wt. % by weight of polypropylene have a compatibilizing effect in the blend of PP/PS, which reduces the average diameter of microfibers by 1.6 times and increases the homogeneity of their distribution by diameter: statistical indicators decrease (standard deviation, variance, coefficient of variation). The modifying effect of thermally modified clay is higher—the improvement of the dimensional characteristics of PP microfibers is achieved at its minimum content in the blend (0.2 wt. %). The formation of anisotropic PP structures in the PS matrix and the relaxation of the accumulated stresses at the exit of the molding hole is the main factor that causes high values of the coefficient of swelling of the extrudates (4.0–7.7). The change in the microstructure of the extrudates of nanofilled systems during spinning depends on the composition of the blend and the method of modification of montmorillonite. The average diameters of microfibers decrease from 2.2 μm (in the original blend) to (1.3–2.0) μm (in three-component) depending on the content of additives. The ability to regulate the microstructure of incompatible polymer blends by introducing additives of thermally and organomodified montmorillonite will contribute to the creation of nanocomposites with controlled morphology, as well as new fine-fiber materials with improved filtering characteristics.

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