
Kotloenergoprom Stock Co. has developed new technology of thermal rendering harmless andwaste recovering of heat of flue gases from coke-oven batteries in one unit.In 2000, Kotloenergoprom Stock Co. had executed the design of the first in the world Unit ofthermal rendering harmless and waste recovering of heat of flue gases from the coke-oven batteryNo. l installed in "Zaporozhkoks" (65 furnaces, H = 7.0 m, V = 41.6 m3).The complex "Coke-oven battery - Unit" operates in the special mode using automatic processcontrol system. Introduction the above Unit in 2002 had ensured: decrease of NOx contents influe gases from coke-oven battery in 1.5+2 times and CO on 90+ I 00 % with providinginternational norms of ejections; rebuming solid carbon inclusions and combustible components(H2, CH4, CmHn) in flue gases; stabilization of hydraulic mode of coke-oven battery operation;non-shock putting coke-oven battery into operation directly to chimney stack in case of scheduledor accident stopping the Unit; waste recovery of heat of flue gases from coke-oven battery inquantity up to 6.0 Gkal/h; producing up to 85 tph of steam with energetic parameters at additionalcombustion of coke-oven gas (without building new chimney stack), that lets to produceadditionally 6 MWt of electric power;Standard scheme of producing heat and electric power at by-product coke plants applying usualboiler houses and power stations is irrational. The more effective is to apply the scheme ofproducing heat and electric power with simultaneous rendering harmless and waste recovery ofheat of flue gases from coke-oven batteries in the special Units using existing chimney stacks ofcoke-oven batteries.Cost of building the Unit is not more than cost of usual boiler house or power station with equalcapacity.

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