
For chip multiprocessors, one major challenge is to bridge the increasing speed gap between processor and the global on-chip interconnect delay. By integrating optical interconnects in network-on-chip (NoC) architectures, optical NoCs can overcome the power and bandwidth bottleneck of traditional electrical on-chip networks. However, while considering the thermal sensitivity of silicon photonic devices used in optical NoCs, optical interconnects may not have advantages in power efficiency as compared with their electrical counterparts. To tackle this problem, in this article, we propose a thermal-aware design and simulation approach for optical NoCs. Key techniques include thermal-sensitive optical power loss models from device level to network level, a thermal-aware adaptive routing mechanism, and a thermal-aware simulation platform. The thermal-aware simulation platform enables optical NoC simulation together with on-chip temperature simulation as well as optical thermal effect modeling. With the proposed thermal-aware simulation platform, we conducted a case study of an $8\times 8$ mesh-based optical NoC under a set of synthetic traffic patterns as well as real applications at typical temperature scenarios. By comparing and analyzing different temperature distributions, we can conclude that it can achieves a better optimization effect for the temperature distributions where the hot spots are scattered across the chip.

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