
The concept of cogeneration has been around for decades. Euro-pean communities have been successfully using the idea for manyyears . The idea of designing a cogeneration project that produceselectricity based on the existing heating load is common to manycogeneration projects, but may be limiting the ultimate potential tothe end user . Cogeneration which is developed as a power generatorproducing a small amount of steam for a host load is also common.However, the idea of designing a cogeneration facility to track mul-tiple utility loads is not as common. Where the concept has been used ,the projects have been very successful.After decades of excellent books, articles, and conferences, manyenergy professionals still focus their effort on the heating loads. Theyevaluate this one factor to determine if a project is worthy of seriousconsideration . What has been amazing is the lack of expertise andknowledge of multiple load evaluations . The thermal loads includeboth steam and high temperature hot water used for heating, chilledwater for air conditioning, refrigeration, process, compressed air andother special uses . In many cases, the overall benefit to the projectown er and host tenant far exceeds the increase in the capital costs.This article has been written as a primer for professionals look-ing for ideas when performing analysis of a potential cogenerationproj ect, and as a thought -provoker for end users . We will look at eachof the possible loads, outline various technical considerations andfact ors, look at the factors impacting the economics, and layout anapproach that would provide assistance to those trying to analyze acog eneration project without specialized engineering assistance .R egulat ory , legal and financing issues are covered in other sources .

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