
Understanding the short- and long-term consequences of climate change is a major challenge in biology. For aquatic organisms, temperature changes and drought can lead to thermal stress and habitat loss, both of which can ultimately lead to higher mutation rates. Here, we examine the effect of high temperature and mutation accumulation on gene expression at two loci from the heat shock protein (HSP) gene family, HSP60 and HSP90. HSPs have been posited to serve as ‘mutational capacitors’ given their role as molecular chaperones involved in protein folding and degradation, thus buffering against a wide range of cellular stress and destabilization. We assayed changes in HSP expression across 5 genotypes of Daphnia magna, a sentinel species in ecology and environmental biology, with and without acute exposure to thermal stress and accumulated mutations. Across genotypes, HSP expression increased ~ 6× in response to heat and ~ 4× with mutation accumulation, individually. Both factors simultaneously (lineages with high mutation loads exposed to high heat) increased gene expression ~ 23×—much more than that predicted by an additive model. Our results corroborate suggestions that HSPs can buffer against not only the effects of heat, but also mutations—a combination of factors both likely to increase in a warming world.

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