
Yb3+-doped new gallium–lead–germanate glass is presented.Thermal stability, spectroscopic and laser performance parameters ofthe Yb3+-doped new gallium–lead–germanate glass are calculated.The results show that the Yb3+-doped new gallium–lead–germanateglass has good thermal stability (ΔT = 198°C), high stimulatedemission cross section (0.79 pm2), and long fluorescencelifetime (1.46 ms). Compared with other Yb3+-doped glass hosts,the Yb3+-doped new gallium–lead–germanate glass has better laserperformance parameters and laser properties, indicating thatYb3+-doped new gallium–lead–germanate glass is a promising lasermaterial for short pulse generation in diode pumped lasers, short pulsegeneration tunable laser, high-peak power and high-average power lasers.

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