
Significant amounts of heat can be generated during the initial stages after wastes are deposited in landfills, primarily due to decomposition of food waste. Objectives of this study are to compile, examine and compare thermal properties of municipal solid waste (MSW) components, and liquid and gas phases in MSW landfills and their thermal responses that effect temperature increases in gas and leachate. Specific thermal properties examined include thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat of waste materials deposited in landfills, liquids (water), and gases present. Compilation of these properties will allow in depth thermal analyses to evaluate heat transfer dynamics in landfills with different waste compositions. Examination of thermal characteristics of MSW components indicate that heat generated during decomposition of waste components would primarily be transferred to liquid (leachate) due to formation of water and gaseous components and their high specific heats. As a result, both the leachate and gases released from a landfill during the initial stages after wastes are deposited and when some oxygen is present as an electron acceptor will be warmer. Except for the metals and construction waste, it is likely that most waste components will have a significant temperature gradient during warming up and cooling off stages due to their low thermal conductivities and low thermal diffusivities. Even when the gas phase is at higher temperatures, it will take long time for waste materials (other than food waste and metals) to come to a uniform temperature during the heat generation (primarily due to decomposition of food waste) in a landfill.

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