
Adhesion formation is one of the foremost obstacles to a reliably good outcome in tendon and joint surgery. Thermal preconditioning has been found to reduce the inflammatory response through the induction of molecular chaperone expression, a recently described family of cytoprotective intracellular proteins. The authors analyzed the effect of thermal preconditioning on the inflammatory response to surgery, on tendon healing, and on the formation of peritendinous adhesions in 16 New Zealand White rabbits. Very significant decreases in adhesion formation and in the gliding and dimensions of tendons in animals that had thermal preconditioning were found. Tendons from these animals also showed a decreased level of adhesion formation and a significantly diminished inflammatory response on histologic examination with no biomechanically significant deleterious effect on the strength of tendon healing on testing load to failure. These findings are consistent with induction of heat shock proteins by hyperthermic pretreatment. Such prevention of peritendinous adhesions and the inflammatory response to injury and surgery without compromising healing are findings that have significant implications for tendon surgery and all surgery involving joints and soft tissues.

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