
The infrared dynamics of a light, minimally coupled scalar field in de Sitter spacetime with Ricci curvature R = 12H2, averaged over horizon sized regions of physical volume VH = (4π/3)(1/H)3, can be interpreted as Brownian motion in a medium with de Sitter temperature TDS = ℏH/2π. We demonstrate this by directly deriving the effective action of scalar field fluctuations with wavelengths larger than the de Sitter curvature radius and generalizing Starobinsky's seminal results on stochastic inflation. The effective action describes stochastic dynamics and the fluctuating force drives the field to an equilibrium characterized by a thermal Gibbs distribution at temperature TDS which corresponds to a de Sitter invariant state. Hence, approach towards this state can be interpreted as thermalization. We show that the stochastic kinetic energy of the coarse-grained description corresponds to the norm of ∂μϕ and takes a well defined value per horizon volume ½⟨(∇ϕ)2⟩ = − ½TDS/VH. This approach allows for the non-perturbative computation of the de Sitter invariant stress energy tensor ⟨Tμν⟩ for an arbitrary scalar potential.

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