
An experiment was carried out at Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Meteorology Farm, Centre for Advanced Agricultural Meteorology, College of Agriculture, Pune during Kharif seasons of 2014 and 2015.The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three replications.The treatment comprised of three brinjal hybrids viz.,V1:Phule Arjun, V2: Krishna, V3: Panchganaga as main plot and four planting windows viz., P1: 31st MW (30 July-5 August), P2: 32ndMW (6-12August), P3:33rdMW (13-19 August) and P4: 34thMW (20-26 August) as sub plot treatments.
 Cumulative GDD, HTU and PTU at the end of each growth stages showed that numerically higher requirement was observed in hy.Phule Arjun over hy.Krishana and hy.Panchganaga hybrids during both year 2014 and 2015 experimentation period. Whereas, the lowest canopy temperature was found in hy.Phule Arjun (29.0 0C) than rest of the brinjal hybrids. Canopy reflected PAR and transmitted PAR was higher in (191.54 and 188.62 µ mol m-2s-1) Panchganaga hybrids among the brinjal hybrids. Heat unit requirement or GDD has been used for characterizing the thermal response in brinjal crop. GDD for entire crop growing period decreased with subsequent delay in planting. HTU and PTU were also decreased during later planting windows condition. GDD in different stages in that emergence (59.6 and 72.3), vegetative growth (481 and 478), 50% flowering (575 and 568), first harvesting (681 and 645), last harvesting (1178 and 1183) was observed in hybrid Phule Arjun during 2014 and 2015, respectively. Lower GDD was observed in hy.Panchaganaga during 2014 and 2015, respectively. The highest HTU observed in 31st MW planting windows in hybrids Phule Arjun (5376 and 9190.4).This was followed by hy.krishna and Panchganaga (5370 and 9086) during 2014 and 2015, respectively. Highest HTU was observed in 31st MW in hybrids Phule Arjun followed by hy.krishna and lower in panchganga.

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